Control Valve
VIV, which prioritizes quality, safety and technology management, provides Total Engineering Solution by applying proven technology based on international technical standards and performing its tasks in a systematic way.
control valve
Control Valve with Cylinder(Piston) Actuator

Major Technologies
- Application of 3D Multi-stage Trim developed newly for optimized control of high differential pressure.
- Equipped with Q-class actuator for nuclear safety grade valve
- Innovative manufacturing process and high economy
- Optimized structural design of valve trim and actuator
- Improved durability of valve trim and actuator
- Extended service life time of control valve for high differential pressure service
- Cost competitiveness through reduction of manufacturing cost
- Technology self reliance of control valve for high differential pressure service
- Certified in accordance with ISO 9001 to secure quality and observation thereto
- 3D Multi-stage Trim control valve certificated as a ‘NEP’(New Excellence Product) by Ministry of Knowledge and Economy(MKE)
Control Valve with Diaphragm Actuator

Major Technologies
- Application of 3D Multi-stage Trim developed newly for optimized control of high differential pressure.
- Equipped with Q-class actuator for nuclear safety grade valve
- Innovative manufacturing process and high economy
- Optimized structural design of valve trim and actuator
- Improved durability of valve trim and actuator
- Extended service life time of control valve for high differential pressure service
- Cost competitiveness through reduction of manufacturing cost
- Technology self reliance of control valve for high differential pressure service
- Certified in accordance with ISO 9001 to secure quality and observation thereto
- 3D Multi-stage Trim control valve certificated as a ‘NEP’(New Excellence Product) by Ministry of Knowledge and Economy(MKE)


(eg. VIV0634-GL2231PC)

Ⅰ. ANSI 150~600 Class

Ⅱ. ANSI 900~2500 Class